Reading Time Calculator

Reading Speed:

Pages Calculator

Estimated Time:


Approximately 0 words

Words Calculator

Estimated Time:


Approximately 0 pages

Common Reading Time Calculations

PagesWordsSlow (150 wpm)Average (250 wpm)Fast (400 wpm)SpeedReader (700 wpm)
5012.5k1h 23m50m31m18m
10025k2h 47m1h 40m1h 3m36m
20050k5h 33m3h 20m2h 5m1h 11m
30075k8h 20m5h 0m3h 8m1h 47m
400100k11h 7m6h 40m4h 10m2h 23m
500125k13h 53m8h 20m5h 13m2h 59m
💡 Pro tip: Press Ctrl+D to bookmark this tool for quick access later!

How to Calculate Reading Time

  1. Enter the number of pages or words you want to calculate reading time for
  2. Select your reading speed (slow, average, fast, or speed reader)
  3. Get your estimated reading time instantly
  4. Optionally, check common calculations for quick reference

Ways to Use the Reading Time Calculator

  • •Students: Plan study sessions by knowing how long it will take to read textbook chapters
  • •Book Lovers: Estimate reading time for your next book to better plan your reading schedule
  • •Content Writers: Calculate how long it will take readers to consume your content
  • •Teachers: Plan reading assignments and homework more effectively
  • •Researchers: Estimate time needed for literature review sessions

Best Practices for Accurate Reading Time

  • •Choose the reading speed that best matches your typical pace
  • •Consider that technical or complex texts may take longer to read
  • •Account for breaks and distractions in your reading schedule
  • •For academic texts, consider using a slower reading speed
  • •Use word count for more accurate estimates when available

Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate is the reading time calculator?

The calculator provides estimates based on average reading speeds. Actual reading time may vary depending on factors like text complexity, your familiarity with the subject, and reading conditions.

What is considered a normal reading speed?

The average adult reads about 250 words per minute for general texts. This can vary from 150 words per minute for slower readers to 400+ words per minute for fast readers.

How many words are on an average page?

We use an average of 250 words per page, which is typical for most books. Academic texts might have more, while fiction books might have fewer words per page.

Can I use this for any type of text?

Yes, you can use this calculator for any type of text. However, keep in mind that reading speed varies based on content type - technical documents take longer to read than fiction.